2018.06.20 / 03:21

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Bringing mobile and enterprise together.

We make cross-platform enterprise mobile development easy. Aerogear provides flexible, extensible libraries and server side components that will simplify your mobile development and infrastructure setup across platforms.

AeroGear Modules


Send push notifications to any device, regardless of platform or network.

Send push notifications from the Unified Push Server via 7 push networks to any mobile device.

Learn about AeroGearPush


Integrate with your existing security and authentication infrastructure.

A small set of classes to provide integration with security providers written in Java, like PicketLink and Apache Shiro.

Learn about AeroGearSecurity


Real-time, client-server data synchronization with ease and efficiency.

Full real-time data sync where updates are initiated from both the client and server over a bi-directional channel.

Learn about AeroGearSync


Build your mobile apps in the cloud with pipelines.

Build mobile apps in an isolated, scalable and deterministic way in the cloud.

Learn about AeroGearDigger