2018.05.27 / 24:49

How To Install And Configure VNC On Ubuntu 14.04 - ¿ìºÐÅõ VNCServer ¼³Ä¡

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How To Install And Configure VNC On Ubuntu 14.04


If you want to remote access into your Ubuntu 14.04  server, VNC might be the best option. VNC ¡°Virtual Network Computing¡±, is a program that  that allows users to a remote access to linux servers. VNC allows you to open a remote GUI session to your server and thus providing you with a full graphical interface accessible from any remote location.

There are many ways to install VNC. The VNC server we will be using is vnc4server, a fast and lightweight remote control package. The only requirement is that you need to install VNC-Client on the connecting OS, we¡¯ll discuss that in a later entry.


This guide explains the installation and configuration of a VNC server on Ubuntu 14.04 server. So you need to have a fresh installed Ubuntu14.04 server in your vps.

Also you need to have SSH access into your server to continue with the installation of your VNC server.

Let¡¯s start the installation.

Step One — Install  required packages

Before you start the installation, you need to be the root user and to make sure that no VNC-server are installed as this could give errors in future mostly that clipboard sharing between the host Ubuntu Server & vnc-client machine. You can check it as follows:

dpkg -l | grep vnc

Please uninstall if tightvnc or anything similar installed.

There are a just a couple of packages to be dealt with.

By default, most Linux server installations will not come with a graphical desktop environment.In this case you need to install one that you can work with. In this example, we will install XFCE4.

 apt-get install gnome-core xfce4 firefox
 apt-get install vnc4server

To make sure that vnc server is installed, type this command:

dpkg -l | grep vnc

Sample output:

ii  vnc4server                                            4.1.1+xorg4.3.0-37ubuntu5    amd64        Virtual network    computing server software

Step Two — Configure VNC Server

In this step you need to create userd that needs to gain access to the VNC server. In my case i create user anism.

root@ubuntutest:~# adduser anism

For each user that needs to gain access to the VNC server, you must set a VNC password for them.

root@ubuntutest:~# adduser anism
Adding user `anism' ...
Adding new group `anism' (1001) ...
Adding new group `anis' (1001) ...
Adding new user `anism' (1001) with group `anism' ...
Creating home directory `/home/anism' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...

Enter new UNIX password: <--yourpassword
Retype new UNIX password: <--yourpassword
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for anism
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []: <--ENTER
    Room Number []: <--ENTER 
    Work Phone []:<--ENTER 
    Home Phone []:<--ENTER
    Other []:<--ENTER 
Is the information correct? [Y/n]<--ENTER

After that, you need to start the vncserver with the user, for this user

su - anism
anism@ubuntutest:~$ vncserver

You will require a password to access your desktops.

Password:<--Put your VNC password 
Verify:<--Put your VNC password
Password too long - only the first 8 characters will be used
xauth:  file /home/anism/.Xauthority does not exist

New 'server1:1 (anism)' desktop is server1:1

Creating default startup script /home/anism/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /home/anism/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/anism/.vnc/server1:1.log

Before we begin configuring our new xstartup file, let¡¯s back up the original in case we need it later:

cp ~/.vnc/xstartup ~/.vnc/xstartup.bak
> ~/.vnc/xstartup
vi ~/.vnc/xstartup

Then make the configuration as follows:

startxfce4 &
[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &

You¡¯ll need to first stop the VNC server instance that is running on port 5901

vncserver -kill :1

To easily control our new VNC server, we should set it up as an Ubuntu service.

You need to make the startup script for the vncserver like this:

vi /etc/init.d/vncserver

After that copy this configuration and save it into the file

[ -f /etc/vncserver/vncservers.conf ] && . /etc/vncserver/vncservers.conf
prog=$"VNC server"
start() {
 . /lib/lsb/init-functions
 echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
 ulimit -S -c 0 >/dev/null 2>&1
 for display in ${VNCSERVERS}
 export USER="${display##*:}"
 if test -z "${REQ_USER}" -o "${REQ_USER}" == ${USER} ; then
 echo -n "${display} "
 su ${USER} -c "cd ~${USER} && [ -f .vnc/passwd ] && vncserver :${DISP} ${VNCUSERARGS}"
stop() {
 . /lib/lsb/init-functions
 echo -n $"Shutting down VNCServer: "
 for display in ${VNCSERVERS}
 export USER="${display##*:}"
 if test -z "${REQ_USER}" -o "${REQ_USER}" == ${USER} ; then
 echo -n "${display} "
 export USER="${display##*:}"
 su ${USER} -c "vncserver -kill :${display%%:*}" >/dev/null 2>&1
 echo -e "\n"
 echo "VNCServer Stopped"
case "$1" in
start $@
stop $@
stop $@
sleep 3
start $@
if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/vncserver ]; then
stop $@
sleep 3
start $@
status Xvnc
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|condrestart|status}"
exit 1

To ensure that the VNC server will be able to use this new startup file properly, we¡¯ll need to grant executable privileges to it:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/vncserver

Now try using the service and command to start a new VNC server instance:

service vncserver start

In VNC you can define a separate access session for each particular user. For this we will use VNC configuration file:

mkdir -p /etc/vncserver
vi /etc/vncserver/vncservers.conf

To configure VNC for a user ¡°anism¡± /etc/vncservers/vncservers.conf file insert the following lines:

VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1024x768"

Here your port comes to be 5901 & 1024¡¿768 resolution for the VNC client, you can choose resolution of your own choice.

Now I will add it into boot startups:

root@ubuntutest:~# update-rc.d vncserver defaults 99
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/vncserver ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K99vncserver -> ../init.d/vncserver
   /etc/rc1.d/K99vncserver -> ../init.d/vncserver
   /etc/rc6.d/K99vncserver -> ../init.d/vncserver
   /etc/rc2.d/S99vncserver -> ../init.d/vncserver
   /etc/rc3.d/S99vncserver -> ../init.d/vncserver
   /etc/rc4.d/S99vncserver -> ../init.d/vncserver
   /etc/rc5.d/S99vncserver -> ../init.d/vncserver

Finally reboot your server.


Step Four — Connect to Your VNC Desktop with VNC Client

To test your VNC server, you¡¯ll need to use a client.

If you are using Windows, you could use TightVNC, RealVNC, or UltraVNC. Mac OS X users can use the built-in Screen Sharing, or can use a cross-platform app like RealVNC.

You download VNC client from this link:

Now I am going to connect with the VNC server through my VNC-client


You will be ask for the password  as follows:


Enter the password as VNC password that you had set for the user ¡°anism¡± on the server.

Now you are logged into the GUI of your server.


You can choose Use default config:


Enjoy you have configured  VNC-server successfully.